澳大利亚签证申请的体检表(表26)[Medical examination for an Australian visa (Form26)]
1.永久进入申请[Permanent entry]——所有大于15岁(包括15岁)的申请永久进入澳大利亚的人都必须接受艾滋病病毒检验,如果不到15岁的永久进入澳大利亚的申请人是被收养、输过血或者有其他临床表现的,也必须接受检查。
2.暂时进入申请[Temporary entry]——对于暂时进入澳大利亚的申请人没有正式的接受检查的要求,但是特殊群体除外(根据部门的建议手册,可能有所改变),或者医生发现有某些迹象表明需要检查。
海外申请人[Overseas applicants]
体检所要携带的物品:[What to bring to the examination]
1.有效护照[valid passport];
2.定制的框架眼睛或者隐形眼镜(如果需要的话)[ any prescription spectacles or contact lenses that you may wear];
3.如果已知有疾病,请带上现有的专家报告[Where you have a known medical condition,any existing specialist reports]。
对于女性[For women]
关于该表提供的信息[About the information you give in this form]
表格第一页照片左边由医生填写,就是护照号[passport number];照片下边的部分,自己填写;你的全名(同护照上一致)[Your full name(as it appears in your passport)]:
1.姓:[Family name];
2.名:[Given name];
4.出生日期[Date of birth]:日[DAY]、月[MONTH],年[YEAR]。
如何完成此表[ How to complete this form]
☆请在参加体检之前,完成上边表格中个人信息部分,以及表格的A和D部分[Complete personal details above,Parts A and D before attending the medical examination];
☆请在医生在场的情况下,完成表格的B部分[Complete Part B in the presence of the examining doctor];
体检医生[Medical Examiner]
做血液检查的人员[Person taking blood]
官方使用[Office use only]
A部分——申请人的详细资料[ Part A-Applicant’s details]请申请人在参加体检之前完成该部分;请用钢笔,并用英语的大写字母清晰填写。[To be completed by the applicant before attending the medical examination. Please use a pen and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS.]
1.全名[Your full name]、姓[Family name]、名[Given name];
2. 住址[Your residential address]、邮编[postcode];
3. 白天的联系电话[Daytime telephone number]、国家代码[country code]、地区代码(区号)[area code]、号码[number];
4. 性别[Sex]、男[Male]、女[Female];
5. 出生日期[ Date of birth]、日[DAY]、月[MONTH]、年[YEAR];
6. 在澳大利亚计划的工作或活动(大概意思就是去干什么)[intended occupation/activity in Australia];
7. 最近5年的工作是什么(就是说以前是干什么的)[previous occupations in the last 5 years];
8. 最近的5年你在哪个国家居住[countries in which you have lived in the last 5 years];
9. 如果你在澳大利亚居住:[if you live in Australia]:
☆你来了多久了[How long have been here?] 年[YEARS] 月[MONTHS];
☆你现在持有的是哪种签证[ what visa subclass do you currently hold];
10. 你准备在澳大利亚逗留多长时间[ How long do you intend staying in Australia]:
☆永久[Permanently](包括非移民申请)[including non migrating applicant];
☆暂时[Temporarily]:多长时间?[For how long?] 年[YEARS]、月[MONTHS];
11. 你申请哪种签证?[For which visa class are you applying?];
12. 你是否已经向移民局的相关办事处提出过申请? [Have you lodged an application at an office of the Department of immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs?]
☆没有[no] 你将向哪个办事处提出申请? [At which office do you intend to lodge an application?];
☆是的[yes] 哪个办事处?[which office?];
13. 你是否是[Are you]:
☆被澳大利亚居民收养的儿童?[a child for adoption by an Australian resident?]
☆无监护人的难民儿童?[an unaccompanied minor refugee child?]
☆曾经居住过或者正在居住露营的难民?[a refugee who has lived or is living in a camp?]
14. 在澳大利亚,你将会:[in Australia, will you be: ]
☆参加或者教授课程[attending or teaching classes?]
☆加入健康保护组织[involved in health care]
☆加入儿童保护或者孤儿救助[involved in childcare/creche?]
15. 你是否曾经:[Have you EVER had]
☆动过手术[an operation];
☆因为某些原因而住院治疗[hospital treatment or been admitted to a hospital for any reason];
☆肺结核或者是不正常的胸透,咳血,或接触过肺结核病人[tuberculosis or an abnormal chest x-ray, or have you ever coughed up blood or had contact with a person with tuberculosis];
☆惊阙或癫痫[convulsions, fits or epilepsy];
☆焦虑,压抑,紧张为主述需要治疗[anxiety, depression or nervous complaints requiring treatment];
☆因为精神上的疾病需要入院治疗,或者见精神病医生[admission to a hospital for a psychological problem or consulted a psychiatrist];
☆高血压,心脏病,喘不上气或者胸痛.[high blood pressure, heart trouble, breathlessness and/or chest pain?];
☆背部,颈部或关节疼痛[pain in back, neck or any joint];
☆胃疼,消化不良或者烧心[stomach pains, indigestion or heart burn];
☆得传染性疾病持续两个星期以上[an infectious disease lasting more than 2 weeks];
☆肾脏或膀胱问题[kidney or bladder disease or complaint];
☆糖尿病或尿里含糖[diabetes or sugar in the urine];
☆任何疾病超过两个星期,或者以上未提及的周期性疾病[any illness, injury or medical condition lasting more than 2 weeks,or a recurring condition not mentioned above];
☆最近5年内,任何内科的,外科的或精神上疾病的治疗[any medical, physical, psychological or other treatment in the last 5 years];
16. 请回答以下问题:[please answer the following questions](任何回答”是”的问题,你都必须提供所有的详细相关材料,包括日期)
☆你是否服正在服用药物,或者接受治疗[are you taking any pills, medicine or having other treatment];
☆你是否曾经服药上瘾,或者非法服用毒品[have you ever been addicted to a drug or taken drugs illegally];
☆是否饮酒,饮多少[do you consume alcohol, how much?];
☆是否正在或者曾经吸烟,吸多少[do you smoke, or have you ever smoked tobacco? How much?];
☆你是否有身体的或者智力的缺陷,会影响到你谋生或者生活自理[do you have any physical or mental disabilities which may affect your ability to earn a living or take full care of yourself];
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