取消关注Chow joined Roche in 1997. But his career in Shanghai didn’t begin until 2003, when he took over the General Manager position. At that time, much of Roche’s focus in Shanghai was on manufacturing, sales and marketing. But an ambitious plan was already being born.
Chow:I still remember when I first came here in 2003, we set up a task force headed by my direct boss, head of Asian Pacific. Then we have experts from manufacturing, from development, research, eh…sales marketing. We proposed in order to show our really developed business in China,and also to show our strong commitment to China in a long-term, we should have built up a research center, which we did in the end of 2004, and then in 2007, we decided global development is important. You know what happened to a lot of global strategic products, or life-saving products, usually the time of launch in mainland China is roughly 4 or even 5 years behind the US and Europe. Because in order to do that, we have to join the global development, clinical studies or so-called phase II studies at the beginning. That’s good in a way that Chinese patients have the same access of the new innovative, differentiated medicines the same time as the world.
Chen:When did you find the confidence for such ambitious expansion plan here?
Chow:Well, first you have to believe in the country, you have to believe in the people. Right? So no doubt, I think China… frankly I… I have a little bit… so-called…eh privilege that I was able to see China develop in the last 30 years in front of my eyes.
So for me, personally, I am a firm believer. And I could also speak on behalf of my company, Roche, senior management, our Chairman and CEO are firmly the fans of China.
Chen:What are the advantages of Shanghai for you to make such ambitious expansion?
Chow:Well, obviously Shanghai is a city that can provide a lot of…you know…eh support, from the government to the talented people to the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park support, which is very important, because we are in an innovative business. So of course, the cost of people in Shanghai is one of the highest, if not the highest in China. But we believe that we do need good quality people. And also again working with the government, working with our partners, such as universities, or the research institutes …make a very good choice to put a hi-tech innovative business development as well as research center…development center here in Shanghai.
显然,上海这座城市,你也知道,能够提供很多支持,从政府部门、到人才乃至张江高科技园区的支持,由于我们是一家不断谋求创新的企业,因此这种支持对我们来说非常重要。因此,当然,上海的人力资源成本即便不算国内最高,可也属于最高的城市之一。但是,我们认为,我们的确需要具备良好素质的人才。此外,通过与政府部门的合作,以及与我们的合作伙伴(如大学和研究机构等)开展合作,我们做出了一个非常好的选择,那就是把我们创新开发的高科技以及研发中心… 药品开发中心设在上海。
Of course, may be one of the questions may be a lot of people will think is the so-called intellectual property right protection. But we understand that, I must say that in the last 10 to 15 years, China in that respect, the Chinese government has done a very good job already. I… I am sorry, it’s not perfect a hundred percent yet. But I think it is in the right direction. That means whatever we had decided, say 15 years ago, now we are saying that we firmly believe that we made the right decision then and you will see it also in the near future the Group to put… to invest more in China.
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