


  在欧洲心律协会(EHRA)EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2017年会上公布的一项研究提示,无症状房颤患者的严重并发症风险比有症状者更高。

  Steffen Christow等对GLORIA-AF数据进行了分析。GLORIA-AF注册研究[1]在全球44个国家、2200个临床中心纳入了6011名CHA2DS2-VASc≥1分的新诊断(<3个月)非瓣膜病房颤患者。研究目的是比较无症状/最轻症状患者(EHRA Class I–II[2])和有症状患者(EHRA Class III–IV[2])的特征。



  很多患者对自己患有房颤一无所知。近期3项观察性研究[3–5]显示,无症状房颤占所有房颤患者的13%~39%。欧洲一项注册研究[3]报告,与症状性房颤患者相比,无症状患者的1年死亡率高2倍多(9.4% vs 4.2%, P <0.0001)。梅奥诊所的研究者发现[4],无症状房颤患者的脑血管事件发生率比症状性房颤患者高2倍以上,死亡风险(心血管和全因死亡)高3倍。另一项研究[5]也显示,无症状房颤与较高的卒中风险相关。


  摘译自:John Mandrola. The Danger of AF Without Symptoms - Medscape - Jun 23, 2017.


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  2.  Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GYH, et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation. The Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 2010; 31:2369-2429.

  3. Boriani G, Laroche C, Diemberger I, et al. Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation: Clinical correlates, management, and outcomes in the EORP-AF Pilot General Registry. Am J Med 2015; 128:509-518.e502.

  4. Siontis KC, Gersh BJ, Killian JM, et al. Typical, atypical, and asymptomatic presentations of new-onset atrial fibrillation in the community: Characteristics and prognostic implications.Heart Rhythm 2016; 13:1418-1424.

  5. Potpara TS, Polovina MM, Marinkovic JM, Lip G. A comparison of clinical characteristics and long-term prognosis in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients with first-diagnosed atrial fibrillation: The Belgrade Atrial Fibrillation Study. Int J Cardiol 2013; 168:4744-4747.

  6. Freedman B, Camm J, Calkins H, et al. Screening for atrial fibrillation. A Report of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration.Circulation 2017; 135:1851-1867.
